Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Contributions Of Women In The American Civil War .

The Contributions of Women in the American Civil War The Civil War was a divisive time in American history that tore the country in half for five long years (1861-1865). After the election of Abraham Lincoln, the southern states seceded from the north and formed the Confederate States of America because they saw their way of life being threatened. They wanted to fight for their right to have slaves and for states to have more power. The North (Union) fought because secession wasn t an option and they needed to preserve the country as a union. Lincoln called on the men in the North to fight this war, but there was also an estimated 400 to 750 women who were also soldiers. ( Many women stayed home and worked to maintain their†¦show more content†¦With her organizational skills, she was quick to acquire the medical supplies and train the nurses needed to assist the Union in winning the war. Another woman who was influential in providing the Union with medical support was nurse Clara Barton. She was one of the main volunteers to first show up at the Washington clinic to watch over injured Union officers. After her dad’s passing, Barton left the city clinics to go among the officers in the field. She was able to bring three wagons full of medical supplies to the Union soldiers at the Battle of Antietam which is known as the â€Å"bloodiest single-day battle in American History.† Through that battle she gathered men and directed them to get water, prepare food, and perform any first aid necessary for the injured soldiers. Many of the supplies and transportation need for the Union was provided by Barton herself or donations she was able to get. These are just two of the thousands of women nurses who aided the Union to succeed in critical battles of the American Civil War. Women were often underestimated which made them perfect to act as spies and gather information that benefited the Union. One of the best was spy Elizabeth Van Lew, an important figure in Richmond, Virginia. She was brought up in the North and could not support slavery. She didn t reveal her trueShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The American Civil War1521 Words   |  7 Pages101 19 April 2017 Civil War The American Civil War, that took place from 1861 to 1865, marked one of the most important changes in American history, it was fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America. A total of even southern states that left the Union to form their own country in order to protect the institution of slavery. The Civil War transformed the country’s economy, politics, women, African Americans, along with major breakthroughs in technology. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Transgenders In The Military

Transgendered persons can potentially lose their position in the military. Although other political leaders disagree with president’s trumps proposal. I disagree with the proposed actions that transgenders should be banned from the military, based on material and nonmaterial components. The terms Heterosexism, cultural relativism, feminist and standpoint theory will be used to support my decision. It is said that when we are young we know our gender. If we do not conform to traditional male or female roles there is a strong likelihood that others will think we might be homosexuals. Although that is not always the case. Some people just prefer items that seem more interesting to them. Transgenders are born with their gender identity, that†¦show more content†¦For instance, children assume gender is reflected by outward appearance and hobbies. As kids, males are seen to prefer cars and trucks, rather than dolls. They like toy guns, and anything they can roughhouse with. As for aspirations, many will want to be brave, and strong, in their future, in the meantime they dress up as their favorite super heroes. They usually take up interests that their fathers also like, which leads to the idea of â€Å"masculine items.† Little girls are seen as the opposite of boys. They want to be involved in things their mothers do. Some enjoy playing with dolls, or makeup. Sin ce they are â€Å"feminine†, girls are believed to wear dresses. They are drawn to princesses instead of superheroes, because the qualities of princesses include beauty, grace, and kindness. Like Material culture, Nonmaterial culture has also contributed to gender identity. Nonmaterial Culture consist of ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society. (Loera, 2017). When parents are expecting a boy, there is a high chance that some of his first cloths, blankets, and personal items will be blue. This is because the color blue is dominant and often associated with males in mainstream culture. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My New Nose Essay Example For Students

My New Nose Essay Nguyen #1 Dat Nguyen English 010 Sacha Moore 3 September 2010 My New Nose Many people are wondering if they should use cosmetic surgery to improve their looks, and whether it’s really painful when taking a cosmetic surgery. Those questions are answered somewhat honestly through â€Å"My New Nose† which appeared in GQ magazine in May 2002. In this essay, Dan Barden described and disclosed exactly what he felt, what he looked like, how he did to live with a thuggish nose after the first operation was botched, and how happy he was and also how he was fascinated when the second surgery went smoothly. After reading this essay, we can easily realize that Dan Barden decided to get a nose job because he found the difficulty in breathing due to the deviated septum, but the first surgery fail and that cause his breathing become worse, and he looks like a prizefighter. Then he got another surgery and this time it was successful. This is Dan Barden’s story, this does not mean the essay is only aimed at those who really need cosmetic surgery like him, and urged them to have it because it’s good and it gives us what we really want to be, but also targeted all those who are willing and interested in cosmetic surgery which day by day is becoming more popular, and people nowaday using it just want to look like a movie stars or famous singer or have a perfect appearance. In this essay, he said he suddenly yearned to get into shape, he want a nice body to go with my nice face, he felt like he was being charmed back to some state before anything went wrong, it means he implies us how easily we would be charmed, fascinated, and almost cannot resist it by cosmetic surgery once it was successful. In my opinion, I feel this essay was effective. Because he is not only show the people who consider cosmetic surgery as a method to improve appearance, but also point out the good and bad things of cosmetic surgery. As we know, the benefits of cosmetic surgery gives us is nothing to compare with the pain we suffer maybe worse if it fails, but we cannot know exactly what cosmetic surgery is unless we have it, and we cannot know how good it is even if they show us their records unless we have it. At this point, we can take Michael Jackson as an example, he did so many things to improve his look and his skin color, the surgeon and service which he took can be considered as the best and most expensive in the world, but look what he got ! r the most recently, Heidi Montag who feels regret of having cosmetic surgery. Finally, I am sure that the author will not suport having cosmetic surgery because in the last paragraph when he had a conversation with his doctor about saber scar, he said he was just glad he didn’t need to fake it anymore. Having a cosmetic surgery only shows that you are not confident about yourseft, and don’t respect yourseft, and you also look so fake if you have a cos metic surgery.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Molding the minds of young children is a duty that Essays

Molding the minds of young children is a duty that cannot be taken frivolously. It is filled with obstacles, hindrances, and responsibilities. However, it is a job that is also full of enthusiasm, curiosity, and pleasure. I completely trust that all children are skilled to learn, if they have the correct inspiration and path from their teachers. As a teacher, I need to be conscious of learning, motivation, behavior, and development theories to maintain a relationship with my students and push them to achieve their full potential. It is my responsibility to make sure that all my students are being inspired; this is only fair to the students. The children need and deserve my time and full devotion in regards to their teachings. I also want to create and maintain a safe learning environment for both the students and myself. If students do not feel comfortable in my classroom, whether it is emotionally, physically, or socially, their guards will go up and learning will significantly decline, if not shut down completely. It is vital to me that my students, as well as their parents, other teachers, administrators, and people in the community, see me as someone they can approach, who will be open-minded and unbiased. Classroom organization is also a crucial notion to ponder when teaching. If students are in a classroom that is chaotic or set up in a way which obstructs learning, it is not a good environment for anybody. I need to discover original and creative ways to have the classroom arranged and to aid my students learning. I also trust in teaching material that is expressive, appropriate, and appealing to students. If they do not have a connection with the material that is being taught, then they will not be opened to learning it. I also believe that having positive energy levels and an optimistic attitude from the teacher are vital fundamentals to a fruitful and happy learning environment.